My Mental Health Story – Steve Stoughton
We all struggle with our mental health from time to time. It’s okay not to be okay. Life is stressful and it’s normal to feel down or depressed sometimes. I’d like to talk about a time when I was really depressed.
I lost my father in November of 2008. He was terminally ill, so he ended up getting progressively worse. We all knew he was going to die we just didn’t know how much time he had left. I really had a tough time after his passing. I was having trouble sleeping. I was grieving for the first time and didn’t know how to cope. I had a great support system between my mom, fiancé, family, and friends. It still wasn’t enough, I needed professional help. I saw a therapist once a week for a few months. It was helpful to talk to someone who is professionally trained. You never get over losing a father, but you learn different ways of coping. It takes time and sometimes professional help.
We all have stories or situations similar to mine. It’s okay to feel sad or lonely. It’s important to find things that make you happy or ways of dealing with depression. Life is short and at some point, we will die. Do what makes you happy with the people you care about the most. Don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
Steve Stoughton @sstoughton77
Learn all about The 2022 Mental Health Podathon.
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