Fantasy Football and Your Mental Health


Fantasy football has become a worldwide phenomenon, captivating sports enthusiasts and casual fans alike. Beyond the excitement of drafting players, managing teams, and competing with friends, fantasy football offers an unexpected advantage—an avenue to positively impact your mental well-being. In this article, we explore how engaging in fantasy football can promote caring for your mental health.

Social Connection and Community

Fantasy football creates a platform for social interaction and fosters a sense of belonging. Participating in leagues and discussing strategies with friends, family, or colleagues strengthens existing relationships and builds new connections. Additionally, shared enthusiasm and friendly competition can enhance social bonds, provide opportunities for camaraderie, and alleviate feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Stress Relief and Distraction

In our fast-paced lives, finding an escape from daily stressors is essential for mental well-being. Fantasy football can act as a healthy distraction. It can allow you to shift your focus away from work, personal challenges, or anxieties. Additionally, engaging in the game provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in a different world, giving your mind a break and reducing stress levels. Overall, it can serve as an enjoyable form of entertainment that offers a temporary reprieve from the pressures of life.

Everyone needs an outlet. For some people, fantasy football could be just that.

Skill Development and Problem-Solving

Participating in fantasy football requires strategic thinking, critical analysis, and decision-making skills. Managing a team involves evaluating player statistics, predicting performance, and making tactical choices to maximize your chances of success.

Furthermore, this process enhances cognitive abilities such as problem-solving, decision-making, and risk assessment. Engaging in these mental exercises can have a positive impact on your overall cognitive functioning and can be transferred to other aspects of your life, including work and personal relationships.

Emotional Resilience and Self-Reflection

Fantasy football is filled with ups and downs, victories, and defeats. It provides an opportunity to develop emotional resilience and learn from setbacks. Dealing with the highs and lows of the game cultivates resilience, as it teaches you to manage disappointment, handle unexpected outcomes, and rebound from failures.

Reflecting on your performance in fantasy football can also encourage self-awareness and self-improvement. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses as a manager can lead to personal growth and the development of effective coping mechanisms.

Positive Reinforcement and Achievement

Fantasy football offers a platform for setting goals, working towards them, and experiencing a sense of accomplishment. Drafting a successful team, making astute trade decisions, or winning your league can provide a boost in self-esteem and a sense of achievement. Celebrating milestones and witnessing the results of your efforts can improve your overall mood and foster a positive outlook. Needless to say, these small victories can be valuable in building confidence and motivation, both within the fantasy football realm and in your everyday life.

NFL Players and Mental Health

Several NFL players have taken a stand as advocates for mental health, raising awareness and promoting discussions surrounding mental well-being. Here are a few notable players who have openly shared their experiences or actively supported mental health initiatives:

Hayden Hurst: Currently with the Carolina Panthers and a fan favorite here at Faceoff Sports Network. Hurst is the guest that we have on as a guest every year for our Mental Health Podathon. His foundation is the Hayden Hurst Foundation.

Brandon Marshall: Former wide receiver Brandon Marshall has been a prominent advocate for mental health. Marshall has spoken openly about his own struggles with borderline personality disorder and has used his platform to reduce the stigma associated with mental health conditions. He founded the mental health awareness organization Project 375, which aims to provide education and support to individuals affected by mental health issues.

Michael Phelps: While not an NFL player, retired Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has been an influential figure in mental health advocacy. Phelps, who has openly battled depression and anxiety, has collaborated with the NFL on their mental health initiative, “The NFL and the NFL Players Association’s Head, Neck, and Spine Committee,” to raise awareness and promote mental health resources for athletes.

Dak Prescott: Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott has been candid about his struggles with anxiety and depression, particularly following the loss of his brother to suicide. Prescott has used his platform to encourage open discussions about mental health, emphasizing the importance of seeking help and support. He has been involved in various mental health initiatives and has worked with organizations like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

Eric Berry: Former NFL safety Eric Berry has overcome significant challenges, including a battle with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and subsequent bouts of depression. Berry has been vocal about his mental health journey and has emphasized the need for mental well-being alongside physical health. He has partnered with organizations like the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and has shared his story to inspire others facing similar struggles.

Solomon Thomas: Defensive lineman Solomon Thomas, formerly with the San Francisco 49ers and now with the Las Vegas Raiders, has been an advocate for mental health awareness. Following the tragic loss of his sister to suicide, Thomas founded the “The Defensive Line” foundation, which aims to improve mental health education and provide support to those affected by mental health conditions.

These players, among others, have used their personal experiences and platforms to shed light on mental health and encourage individuals to prioritize their well-being. Their efforts have helped reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in the NFL and inspire others to seek help and support when needed.


While fantasy football may be seen as a simple game, it has the potential to offer much more than mere entertainment. Engaging in fantasy football can provide a range of mental health benefits, including social connection, stress relief, skill development, emotional resilience, and positive reinforcement. Many might think that fantasy football can cause additional stress on someone. However, if handled correctly and by taking some tips from what we mentioned above, you can use it to your benefit.

By participating in this virtual sports experience, individuals can find joy, support, and personal growth, ultimately leading to improved mental well-being. So, if you haven’t tried fantasy football yet, consider giving it a shot and experience its positive impact on your mental health.

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